Hon Life Vice Presidents

The following have been made Hon Life Vice Presidents of the NSDCA following their retirement as Officers of the Association and in recognition of their long service :

Bill Armstrong (2016)
Roger Edwards (2018)

Please Contact Us From The Links Below

Honorary President : Julian Cook
Tel : 01782 776741
Email : 63jpcook@gmail.com

Chairman : Robert Milner
Tel : 01782 550112
Email : windycheddleton@gmail.com

General Secretary : Neil Hankey
Tel : 07747 651145
Email : hankey.neil@gmail.com

Treasurer : Peter Evans
Tel : 01785 601928
Email : peterfkevans@live.co.uk

LMS Administrator : Colin Abell
Tel : 01782 502763
Email : cabell713@btinternet.com

Webmaster : Peter Evans
Tel: 01785 601928